How to use Fenugreek for Diabetes Treatment or Control

Fenugreek is a spice that is included in many of the Indian recipes and has a great aroma. It has a bitter taste and has many medicinal values. the n=medicinal properties of fenugreek is attributed to the presence of various phytochemical compounds in it like trigonellin, chlorine, yamogenin, diosgenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, neotigogens etc. it is also rich in many minerals like copper calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, selenium etc. it is also a good siurce of Vitamins. Fenugreek seed are very beneficial for diabetic patients. Even the leaves are helpful in controlling diabetics. Diabetes is an illness which can be kept under control by having a proper diet. You must always be careful about the food you eat and check your blood sugar regularly.

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How Fenugreek is beneficial for Diabetic patients:

Including fenugreek in your daily diet is said to lower the sugar level and thus keep diabetes under control. If you consume 5-10 gm of fenugreek daily, you can easily reduce the level of blood sugar. This is because fenugreek seeds contain soluble fibers, which slows down the process of digestion, thus increasing the sugar absorption and reducing the blood sugar level. it also increases the antioxidants in the body and reduces the oxidation of lipids that is harmful for the body.  So of you wish to keep diabetes under control, have fenugreek seeds every day in any form you prefer. It is somewhat bitter but the result you get after consuming it makes up for it. The alkaloids and compounds present in fenugreek help in the stimulation of insulin secretion. according to a study conducted on mice, the protein 4-hydroxy isoleucine that is present in fenugreek stimulates the secretion of insulin in pancreas and helps in reducing the absorption of glucose.

The benefits of fenugreek seeds in the treatment of diabetes is confirmed by experts from many universities across the world. It is one of the natural remedies for diabetes and hence has no side-effects. Consuming these seeds is said to be beneficial for both type 1diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Fenugreek seed reduces the blood sugar level as well as increases the tolerance of the body towards glucose.

A study in India says that patients depending on insulin to control blood sugar can reduce the fasting blood glucose level by taking 100 gm of defatted fenugreek daily. It also increases the glucose tolerance of the body and decreases the cholesterol level. Bad cholesterol or LDL is lowered by fenugreek, while the release of good cholesterol or HDL is enhanced by these seeds.

in a study in 1990, ten people suffering from type 1 diabetics were given 100 gm of defatted fenugreek powder every day with their meals. This was continued for 10 days. After ten days the level of fasting glucose decreases by 30% and the glucose tolerance of the body improved significantly. The sugar excretion lowered by 54%.

Another research says that if type 2 diabetic patients include 15 gm of fenugreek powder daily in their diet, the post meal glucose is greatly reduced. So it is advised that diabetic patients take fenugreek sees regularly and control the sugar level in their blood. Those whose diabetes level is in the borderline or those who are from a family where diabetes is hereditary, may also eat fenugreek seeds regularly if they wish to keep their blood sugar under control.

How to take fenugreek seeds for best results:

You can take in fenugreek seeds in a number of ways. Have it raw, as it is, or you may use it as a spice in many of the dishes that you prepare.  When you have it raw, you may not be able to eat it because of its bitter taste. But when you add with other ingredients, this bitterness is covered and you may have it without any trouble. One thing that you must take care is that fenugreek powder should always be added to the cooked food, after it is ready. Never add it when you prepare the dish. This is because fenugreek seed lose its nutritional properties when it is heated. So after you prepare the food, take it off from the gas and sprinkle one teaspoon of fenugreek powder over it.

In addition to taking fenugreek seeds, you can also have the leaves of fenugreek. It has a good taste and you can prepare it like you prepare any other green leafy vegetables.

Soak a one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water and keep it overnight. Next morning have the water and the seeds in an empty stomach. This is said to lower the blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes. You can also add fenugreek seed to cereals and wheat flour and have it regularly. Another way to have it is to make tea with it. Put two spoons of fenugreek leaves in boiling water for ten minutes and ten strain it and drink it. You can add 1 tablespoon of agave nectar, which is a sugar substitute, to the tea. This will remove the bitterness from the tea.  You may have this tea twice daily. This helps in lowering the blood sugar.

Take 4 tablespoon dried fenugreek seeds and leaves and pour one cup of water in it. Steep for 30 minutes and get a tincture of it. Take half tablespoon of this tincture three times daily. You also get fenugreek powder or supplements in your local herb store. But having the seeds as it is far better than taking the supplements.

Before taking fenugreek you must consult a doctor. He will tell you how much of the seed you need to take regularly. Fenugreek seeds are said to be uterine stimulant. So you must not take it for controlling diabetes when you are pregnant. The seeds also cause diarrhea or stomach upset at times.

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