Benefits and Uses of Banana for Skin, Hair and Health
This is one item that you will get all around the year and the most neglected one as well. There are some people who really love this fruit and there are some who want to keep this fruit out of their diet thinking that it will increase their weight. It contains a number of Vitamins Like A, C, E and B too. Apart from Vitamins banana is rich in potassium, manganese, zinc and iron. So you see it’s a wholesome fruit that will provide you with all required nutrients at one go. It will also help people who want to keep their body in shape. How can you keep a fruit that is filled with so many nutrients away from your diet?
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Here are some health benefits of banana –
- Keeps your blood pressure under control – Banana is rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium, therefore having this fruit included in your diet ensures that you keep your blood pressure under control and eventually decrease its level.
- Protects renal health – According to a research if you have a banana along with cabbage and some root vegetables, then it will actively work at keeping renal health and that will help to reduce the risk of getting cancer.
- Healthy bones can be achieved – The calcium is absorbed in the body through the probiotic bacteria that is present in banana helping you gain stronger bones.
- Curing piles – As it helps in regulating bowel movement, therefore it helps in curing piles.
- Treats Diarrhea – If you consume raw bananas during diarrhea then it can be cured quickly apart from taking medicines. This is possible due to astringent present in them.
- Prevents Insomnia – Tryptophan, which is a rich amino acid is found in Banana. Actually tryptophan is the element which helps in triggering the sleep hormones and that leads us to fall asleep.
- Chances of stroke are reduced – The high amount of potassium in banana helps in reducing the chance of you getting a stroke.
- Cholesterol level is lowered – Pectin, which is soluble fiber is present in banana and that helps in lowering the level of cholesterol without disturbing the HDL cholesterol.
- Nerve function and brain power also improves – Rich source of B Vitamins and Potassium too, which helps in increases the learning abilities and also the nerve function gets better and better.
- Digestion power is improved – If you are suffering from digestion problem, then you must start consuming banana as it will help in improving your digestion problem. There are substance in banana whih acts as a friendly bacteria and helps in producing enzymes which in turn absorbs nutrients necessary for the body enhancing the ability to digest and also prevents the harmful bacteria from affecting our body.
- Helps in constipation – Pectin is available in ample amount and that helps the bananas to improve the bowel movement and cure constipation.
- Acts as antacid – Banana has an immense amount of Pectin, which provides relief from acidity. So next time you have heartburn you know what to reach out for in the first place.
- Beneficial for weight loss – It is low in fat, but high in fiber therefore they can easily be digested. If you consume 100 grams of banana then you will get 90 calories approx. So if you are planning to go into a diet for weight loss, then make sure that you have banana in your diet.
- Helpful in Anemia – If you are suffering from anemia, then you can easily include banana as they are a high source of iron and it is a known fact that iron regulates Haemoglobin levels in the body.
- Prevents from getting stomach ulcers – If you consume banana daily then it will stimulate the cells, which forms in the stomach lining which produces a protective barrier of mucus which acts as a barrier from stomach acids. The protection against ulcer is provided by doing away with the bacteria that is responsible for all this.
Apart from health benefit banana also helps in various other ways and they are stated below –
- Regular consumption of banana will help in getting over the morning sickness
- Vitamin A present in banana helps in repairing your skin. So you can prepare a mask out of banana and apply it on your face to moisturize your skin and for that you require to mash banana and apply it. Now leave it on your face for 25 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water. You will feel the instantaneously soft skin.
- If you are suffering from pigmentation problem, then you can heal that with banana and honey mask.
- If you are looking for glowing skin then try this simple mask made out of banana and lime juice. Take one ripe banana and mix it with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Now apply it on your face and leave it on for 20 – 25 minutes and then wash it off. You will feel an instant glow and the redness as well as the dullness of your skin will be gone if you apply this mask regularly.
- You can use a banana as a scrubber too, but the only thing is that you have to add sugar to it. Mash the banana and then mix sugar in it and make a good mix. Then apply it on your face and scrub gently. This scrubber really works wonders as sugar helps in exfoliating dead skin cells and banana moisturizes your skin.
- If you are looking for anti-ageing products then also you can count on banana. What you have to do is mash a small piece of banana and keep on mixing it until it becomes all fluffy and creamy then add rose water to it. Apply it on your neck and face and keep it on for half an hour then wash it off. It reduces the anti-ageing signs and helps you to keep your skin young and glowing for longer period of time.
- If you are worried about your cracked heels then you can take care of your feet by applying ripe banana on to it. It will help your feet look smooth and soft as before.
Banana is one fruit which helps in gaining weight as well as losing weight too. You can have it for health reason or beauty reason but in both ways it will help you a lot.