Benefits/Uses of Prickly Pear for Skin, Nails, Hair and Health
Have you ever thought about a cactus plant as more than a garden plant? Probably not. Prickly pear cactus, which is also known as nopales, is more than just a garden plant. It has got a lot of health benefits that makes it a best friend for your skin, hair and health. This edible cactus contains antioxidants, amino acids, beta carotene, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B, C and many more. Use its stems, leaves and flowers which are the edible parts to make juice and jams, or you can even be eaten raw, boiled or grilled.
Let’s see some of the benefits of this beautiful plant from your garden.
Benefits of Prickly Pear for Skin:
Gives you a healthy and younger looking skin:
Prickly pear seed oil is an excellent remedy for aging or damaged skin. The seeds of the prickly pear fruit and used to prepare beauty oil which also has anti-inflammatory properties. This oil helps to heal wounds, cuts and blemishes. It also contains vitamin E and Vitamin K which has skin softening capabilities and reduces dark circles.
Benefits of Prickly Pear for Nails and Hair:
Can help you maintain healthy nails:
Are you suffering from dry and damaged nails? Prickly pear oil can help you restore the health of your nails and cuticles. Prickly pear oil can be used as a moisturiser to nourish your dry and damaged nails.
Helps to keep your hair glossy:
Want a glossy hair look? Prickly pear oil can help you get the glossy hair look that you are looking for. Prickly pear contains lot of vitamin E, which can help in conditioning your hair deeply. Also the prickly pear oil has lot of double fatty acids and proteins can help you attain the shiny hair that you want.
Natural hair conditioner:
Follow few easy steps to make a natural hair conditioner using prickly pear
- Peel the prickly pear fruit.
- Cut the fruit into small pieces and put it into water.
- Cover the mix and shake it well.
- When it gets mixed well, just strain and use the liquid.
- Massage this liquid on your hair and rinse it off after sometime.
This natural conditioner can make your hair soft, silky and healthy. This natural hair conditioner can also rejuvenate damaged hair and also protect your hair from the scorching heat of the sun.
Benefits of Prickly Pear for Health:
Can be a solution to your pancreatitis problems:
The prickly pear fruit is a wonderful fibrous fruit that can act as a colon cleanser. Hence this fruit is very useful to get rid of pancreatitis problems and will be a big relief to the pancreatic sufferer.
Controls overeating:
Prickly pear has got the ability to reduce glucose levels in the blood. This is considered to be one of the greatest advantages because reducing glucose levels can help you avoid overeating habits. Compared to the chemical based supplements you use to control overeating, prickly pear is 100% natural and hence does not cause any side effects.
Fights inflammation:
Flavanoids in the fruit does not stop with helping your vision. If you are suffering from inflammation of the joints and muscles, which are caused due to arthritis, gout, allergies or even exercise, prickly pear is the magic fruit that you have been looking for. This fruit has properties which makes is anti-inflammatory, anti viral and anti histamine. Flavanoids in this fruit can help in preventing the release of the compounds that causes inflammation.
Fighting cancer:
Some components in prickly pear has the ability to lower the risk of some types of cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer. Consumption of prickly pear will help in improving the activities of pro-oxy enzymes and also helps in removing free radicals.
Helps to control your weight:
Fruit of prickly pear is full of fibre. Consuming them can make you feel less hungry and feel full for long time. This will help you control your weight effectively.
Help you get out from hangover:
During your alcohol hangovers, there happens production of some inflammatory mediators that causes those uncomfortable feelings including nausea and dry mouth. Thanks to prickly pear juice, you won’t have to go through it the next time you enjoy your drink. Prickly pear juice can help in reducing the production of those inflammatory mediators, and help to reduce your hangover.
Help your vision beat your age:
Prickly pear is one of the common fruit from which you will get flavanoids. Flavanoids are important because it can prevent muscular degeneration and also has the ability to fight cataract. It will help in delivering blood and oxygen to the eye, thus helping you maintain good and healthy eyesight. So make prickly pear part of your diet and keep your eyes young.
It’s a natural antioxidant:
Prickly pear is a good natural antioxidant. The antioxidants in it can react with all those free radicals that cause many diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart diseases and aging process. It can also keep you r skin glow and keep them healthy.
Keeps your heart healthy:
Prickly pear is also good for your heart. The flavanoids in the prickly pear has the ability to normalize the blood platelet stickiness and thus helps to maintain good cardiovascular health. Need any more reason to make it part of your diet?
To avoid constipation:
To maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent constipation, prickly pear is the one that you should add to your daily diet. Daily consumption of this beautiful fruit full of fibre will help in regularising your bowel movements. No wonder it is used as a natural dietary supplement and a natural remedy to digestive issues in Mexico, where this plant is found in abundance.
Now you have enough reasons to make this natural wonder part of your everyday life. Make use of it and enjoy numerous hair, skin and health benefits. Keep yourself healthy!!!