Best natural tips for straightening Silky hair in summer season
Summer can bring real damage to your hair with sweat. When you love to move to a beach or a pool then you may be worried that chlorine or salt water can bring additional damage. You may be worried you cannot flaunt your hair (silky, shiny and bouncy hair) and funky jewelry in hot summer. But, is it really possible to beat the heat out and take care of your hair in sun? Don’t fret; follow these natural tips to get beautiful straight silky hair in summer.
Avoid heat tools for healthy hair in summer:
Going for heat tools like blow-dryers, curling irons or hair straighteners to polish hairs is common among many women these days to get their favorite tresses. But these tools can actually do a lot of damage than good to your hair by breaking or over drying hair if used continuously for hair-styling purpose. So avoid continuous usage of heat tools for better hair.
Change Hair styles in summer:
This might be one of the easiest and preferred way among women to protect their hair during summers i.e., changing hairstyle. Just by changing the way how you tie your hair in summer you can protect your silky and shiny hair. During summers your hair tends to get dry and frizzy, so if you put your hair up and tight then it can cause further damage. So its good if you go for up-dos, ponytail or bun hair knot type hair styles which will protect your hair from much sunlight exposure/damage. Braids and bun hairstyles actually define the summer season.
Drinking water for healthy hair in summer:
Water is considered as the best beauty elixir not just for your skin or body, but also for your shiny hair as well. Since water constitutes to most of our body level(55-60%) it is important for us to keep the pH levels of our body to normal always. When enough water is not available/supplied to body to sustain cell reproduction, it will create profound effects on all body which in turn impacts hair growth as well.
Homemade Hair packs in summer for hair:
To protect your hair from summer weather you can also go for some simple natural hair packs that can be made at home easily. Hair packs are vital because they bring the extra strength and shine to your already damaged hair. Go for DIY Henna, Egg or Yogurt hair masks or hair packs which can be easily prepared at home.
Keep your hair clean in summer:
It’s important that you wash your hair every alternate day(thrice a week) to remove the dust, dirt and sweat from your hair during the summer season. Don’t use shampoos which are hard on your skin. Instead go for mild shampoos since you are going for a hair wash every alternate day. Best thing is you can try conditioner instead of a shampoo whenever required.
While combing your hair ensure that that the comb is clean and neat always without any dust or dirt on it.
Nutritious and Super-foods for Silky Healthy Hair:
Good and balanced diet is not only essential for your body but also for your hair as well. Including fresh fruits and vegetables like Almonds, Cashews, Spinach, Broccoli, Walnuts, Eggs, Skimmed milk, Soy foods, Lentils, rice, dairy products, eggs, wheat-gram, legumes, oats, strawberry, onion, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, etc. in your daily diet regime will improve the strength of your hair. These foods supply promotes your hair growth and shine by supplying enough nutrients to your hair and improves the blood circulation as well.
Oiling your Hair:
Applying oil on your hair once a week is extremely important to improve the quality of your hair. You can apply almond or coconut oil which gives not only strength to the hair roots but also repairs hair damage. To reap some good benefits of hair oil, massage the oil on your hair overnight and take head bath next morning. After bath, don’t blow-dry your hair as it makes the hair too dry and weak.
Protect summer hair damage when you swim:
When you are going out to swim in summer ensure you have swim cap on to prevent your hair from absorbing chlorine water from the pool or salt water in the beach. It is also a good idea to have moisture on hair before going for a swim. In case you went for a swim without the swim cap on, ensure that as soon as you come out of the water you wash your hair in fresh water to prevent any further hair damage. Check with your medical stores for products that remove chlorine while bathing.
Switch your shampoo in summer:
During Summers dust accumulates more on your hair due to excessive sweating from scalp and skin(which may cause dandruff as well at-times). Your normal shampoo may not do complete justice in cleaning your hair during this period. Instead go for a clarifying shampoo which keeps your hair silky, healthy and shiny. When you are using a shampoo/conditioner, apply it only on your hair by avoiding the scalp part, as applying on scalp may remove the natural oils which are essential for hair growth.
You can also hydrate your hair by using a leave-in serum which will give the protection to hair from dust and sun.
Now that you’ve taken time to read all these valuable tips from us here, ensure that you follow them as well to see fabulous, silky, shiny and bouncy hair during summers. Have some other tips which worked for you in the hot season which you like to share with our readers; do let us know through the comments section.