Best Tips to Growing Hair back naturally faster with Right Diet

Everybody loves to have beautiful and healthy hair. For that, they try on a number of different products available in the market without realizing that natural products are the best and safer for your hair. A few changes in your diet can help you gain the beautiful and thick hair you always wanted. Here are a few foods that are really good for your hair.


berries for hair growth

Exotic berries are rich sources of Vitamin C, and the best sources too. Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries improve the blood circulation in your scalp and hair follicles. This helps in healthy hair growth. Blueberries are the best among all the kinds of berries. Tomatoes also work similarly. So, you could go for tomatoes in case you do not prefer berries. Make salads or curries using tomatoes to benefit your hair.


carrots for hair growth

Carrots are well known for the benefits they have on your eyes. They not only improve your eyesight, but also work great for your hair. Carrots contain lots of beta-carotene. This is transformed in to Vitamin A when consumed. Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of each and every cell in the body. So, you need lots of Vitamin A in your diet. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes your scalp to become dry and flaky. This leads to dandruff. Yam, sweet potatoes, mangoes, pumpkin, and apricots are a few other fruits that are rich in the magical ingredient called Vitamin A.


eggs for hair growth

Eggs contain 4 major ingredients: zinc, iron, sulfur, and selenium. It is a wholesome food which is great for your hair too. The 4 elements contained in eggs are absolutely necessary for having healthy hair. In case any of these elements are in lesser quantities, your scalp becomes dry and flaky, and you face considerable hair loss. Lean meat, oysters, and poultry are other sources of the rich elements, and are really good for your hair.


fish promotes hair growth

Fish is something which contains lots of proteins. It is actually one of the best sources for getting proteins in to your system. Mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, and other cold water fish also contain enough omega 3 fatty acids. They are a natural source for providing oil to your scalp and body. Your hair is nourished and becomes soft and silky from within.

Green Leafy Vegetables:

Various Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables are really healthy. They are good for your overall health. Vegetables contain lots of essential minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients to protect your body and keep you in good health. Even for beautiful hair, you need to include lots of vegetables in your diet. All green and leafy vegetables are the best source of essential nutrients to keep your hair healthy. They contain iron, which saves your hair from becoming brittle and controls breakage. For proper growth of hair, consume lots of green leafy vegetables.

Pulses and Beans:

pulses and beans hair

Pulses and beans form a protein rich vegetarian diet. They work magically for your hair. They are also rich in biotin. Deficiency of biotin is a cause for breakage of hair. Protein, as you all know, is absolutely essential for proper hair growth as such, pulses and beans form a wholesome package for good and healthy hair.


Prunes for black hair

Prunes contain lots of iron. As such, it is great for your hair. In case you have problems like thinning of hair, discoloration of hair, or stiff hay-like hair, you must have prunes to solve all these issues. It leads to better hair quality and healthy hair. Your hair becomes beautiful and lustrous. Beetroots are also really good for your hair, and work similarly.


shrimps help hair grow well

Shrimps are very useful for better hair growth and making your hair healthy. It is a must to include in your diet. Many people avoid red meat because of the large amount of calories in it. As such, shrimps offer a good option. They contain lots of proteins, which is good for your hair. Moreover, the content of zinc, Vitamin B12, and iron in shrimps control breakage of hair and lead to better growth.

Seeds and Nuts:

seeds nuts for hair growth

Fish is not an option for vegetarians. Well, they have another choice – seeds and nuts. They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds are very healthy. Vitamin E and biotin are contained in walnuts, and they shield your hair from the sun. It acts like a sunscreen for your hair, to protect it from the harmful UV rays of the sun. exposing your hair directly to the sun causes hair fall and damages your hair from the roots. The biotin in walnuts controls hair fall. Walnuts are also rich in copper, which is very useful for retaining the color of the hair. It also makes your hair look lustrous and shiny.


water for hair growth

Water is something which is inevitable for good hair. The human body has a large content of water, and it is necessary to maintain the required water levels in the body. The body needs at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day for good health. Lack of water could cause severe health conditions. As for you hair, water is really important. You need to keep your scalp hydrated. Drinking water keeps your skin and scalp naturally moisturized. This will lead to healthier scalp and better hair growth.


Benefits of Yogurt for Skin Hair and Health

Yogurt is the best ingredient to solve all your hair issues. Vitamin B5 and calcium are contained in yogurt, and they work great for your hair. Low skimmed milk, low fat cheese, and cottage cheese are other dairy products which make your hair follicles healthy and improve hair growth. Yogurt can be consumed internally or applied externally to benefit your hair. It makes your hair grow faster and healthier.

Now that you know about the ingredients that are good for your hair, include them in your diet and flaunt your beautiful and healthy hair.

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