DIY Homemade Brown Sugar Hair & Scalp Scrub Recipes
Sometimes, even after using expensive hair scrubs, you do not get good results. If you are tired of using such hair scrubs, try using brown sugar scalp scrub. It makes your hair stronger and also changes the quality of your hair within weeks. You can make different kinds of brown sugar scrubs at home and try.
Image credits: Flickr
Brown Sugar Scrub Recipes:
Brown sugar and milk scrub:
Ingredients list:
- 4 tablespoons of brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons of raw milk
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
Preparation Method:
- Combine brown sugar, raw milk and organic olive oil to get an even scrub.
- Now apply this scrub on your scalp and massage with your fingers.
- Wait for some time and then wash off with tepid water and then with cold water. Condition your hair as you normally do.
Brown sugar and olive oil scrub:
Ingredients list:
- 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
- 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Preparation Method:
- Take the olive oil in a bowl and add brown sugar to it. Blend both the ingredients well so that you get a thick paste.
- Apply this scrub on your scalp `and massage gently with your fingers. Wait for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow with cold wash rinse.
Baking soda and brown sugar scrub:
Use this scrub once a month and this will help in getting rid of the unwanted bacteria and dandruff from your scalp. The antiseptic properties of this scrub help in protecting your hair from various damages.
Ingredients list:
- 1 teaspoon of brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon of shampoo
- 3 drops of tea tree oil
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
Preparation Method:
- Take all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them well.
- Now massage your scalp and hair with this mixture.
- As you massage your hair, pay more attention on the scalp and roots of hair.
- Massage for a few minutes and this helps in improving the blood circulation in your scalp.
- Rinse your hair with warm water.
If you have colour treated hair, this scrub may not work well for you.
Jojoba oil and brown sugar scrub:
Using jojoba oil and brown sugar scrub on the scalp helps in getting rid of dandruff. It is also good for treating hair fall and for keeping your hair well moisturized. It has the ability to protect your hair from harmful actions of the UV rays.
Ingredients list:
- 2 spoons of brown sugar
- 2 spoons of fresh lime juice.
- 2 spoons of jojoba oil
- 1 spoon of sea salt
Preparation Method:
- Take brown sugar and sea salt in a bowl and mix them well.
- Now add jojoba oil and fresh lime juice to the mixture.
- Mix all the ingredients together using a spoon.
- Your jojoba oil and brown sugar scrub is ready for use.
Oatmeal and brown sugar scrub:
Brown sugar and oatmeal scrub is very effective for exfoliating your scalp. It helps in removing the dirt and impurities that have clogged the pores and increases the circulation of blood in the scalp and hair follicles.
Ingredients list:
- 2 teaspoons of brown sugar
- 2 teaspoons of oatmeal
- Small bowl
- 2 teaspoons of hair conditioner
- 15 drops of olive oil
- Hair conditioner
Preparation Method:
- Take a bowl and mix brown sugar and oatmeal.
- Now you can add 2 teaspoons of your favourite hair conditioner to it. Mix the ingredients with your hands and then add 15 drops of olive oil to the mixture.
- Use a spoon to mix them.
- Your scrub is ready for use.
Apply this scrub on your scalp in circular motions and then wash it off after some time. With regular use you will have healthy scalp.
Homemade brown sugar scrub benefits:
- It helps in getting rid of dirt, grime, oil, dead skin cell and product build-ups.
- Keeps your scalp disinfected.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Helps in keeping your scalp well moisturized and prevents various issues of the scalp like dryness, itchiness, frizziness, dandruff and so on.
- Prevents hair fall and promotes natural growth of hair.
These scrubs are very inexpensive and very gentle on your hair. They are also more effective compared to the hair care products you get in the market.
Benefits of Brown Sugar for Skin:
Beauty scrub for silky skin:
Brown sugar is one of the main ingredients while preparing beauty scrubs. This is because it is a natural exfoliator. When you use brown sugar for scrubbing at home, remember to start from the feet and work it up to the neck and the scalp. This way you can increase the blood circulation and balance the pH levels of your skin. Once you have finished scrubbing, wash your body with warm water.
Fighting acne:
Brown sugar is great for fighting acne, pimples and other skin issues. It can prevent breakouts also. It is very effective for keeping your skin healthy and rejuvenated. You get better results by adding milk and honey to brown sugar and using the mixture as a scrub.
Younger, healthier looking skin:
Brown sugar is said to be very effective for making your skin look healthier and beautiful. This is because it contains glycolic acid. This is an important ingredient for all expensive beauty products. It has the ability to get rid of toxins from your body. It also conditions your skin and keeps your skin moisturized.
I’m excited to try this on my hair. I’ve done countries scrubs on my lips and skin but never my scalp.
This looks exciting I just have one question are these scrubs suppose to be applied on wet or dry scalp? Thanks