How to Reduce Tummy / Belly Fat by Yoga with Pictures
Flabby belly is often the result of unhealthy lifestyle with too much of junk food, lack of proper exercise and leading a life full of stress. So, the only way to get rid of...
Flabby belly is often the result of unhealthy lifestyle with too much of junk food, lack of proper exercise and leading a life full of stress. So, the only way to get rid of...
Health and Fitness Tips / Yoga
by Nikitha · Published April 16, 2015 · Last modified November 21, 2018
Yoga is the new thing in the world of fitness freaks. It is one of the school of exercises which is capable of keeping you fit and healthy thruought the day. Yoga is also...
For some individuals either men or women, who see hair as their pride balding is a serious problem. It is sad and unpleasant to brush your hair and discover an entire bunch of your...
Beauty Tips / Eye Care / Yoga
by Nikitha · Published April 7, 2015 · Last modified September 4, 2015
Puffy eyes are very common and many people suffer from this problem. This is not a permanent issue and you can correct it by taking a little time to yourself. There are many reasons...
Exercises / Health and Fitness Tips / Yoga
by Nikitha · Published March 30, 2015 · Last modified February 3, 2016
Our yoga is on its way back to its glorious days. Fitness freaks all around the world is seeing yoga as the way to go. The days when yoga used to be the exercise...
Yoga in India is known for its various healing powers and the way it keeps the body healthy and disease free. Yoga has been practiced in India from ancient time s and is still...
Many of the people think that to do yoga you need not have any accessories except a mat on which to do the yoga. But this conception is not correct. There are many yoga...
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that is practiced in India and this is very beneficial for the physical, mental and spiritual health. Other than making you physically and mentally fit, yoga is...
Yoga consists of a series of exercises that will make you fit and healthy. The asanas, pranayamas and the bandhas if done properly according to the rules, will give you a well toned and...
Yoga is an excellent remedy for all problems of the body and mind. It helps in maintaining a balance between the body, mind and the soul and gets you relief from stress, tiredness, depression,...