How to take Care of Fair Skin: Most Effective Beauty Tips
Having a fair skin is indeed a boon to many people. Usually it is hereditary and if your parents or forefathers are fair skinned, you will also get it. Having a fair skin adds to the beauty of the people and shows every detail of his or her looks clearly. Although, it looks good, extra care is to be taken by people having a fair skin. Having bestowed with a good complexion, make sure you try your best to maintain its colour and quality as well.
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One good thing about having a fair skin is that you can go away with almost any colour. You complexion will match well with all the hues. Any kind of makeup, dressing style, and colour looks will compliment you in an excellent way. While at the same time, you need to take extra care of your skin and protect it from blemishes and spots. Even a single dark spot will look ugly on your face while the same type of spot on a face with wheatish complexion goes unnoticed. So, take extra care to maintain your complexion as well keeping it spotless. Here are some of tips and ways that can help you to retain or maintain your fair complexion within few weeks
Fair Skin Care Tips:
Apply sunscreen in the right way
If you are amongst the people having fair skin, then applying sunscreen on a regular basis is a must. This will help you to keep all the skin problems caused by sun, at bay. Moreover, when its summer you can feel the harsh climate outside. Sunrays damage the skin to a huge extent. During such cases, you need to take extra care. Especially, during the period from 8am to at least 4pm in India, sun shines too bright and you must not go out without any skin protection. So, make it a point to apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before setting out in the sun for any work.
Choose sunscreen and clothing according to the weather:
If you are going out every day during afternoon; try carrying a small tube of sunscreen in your bag. Try to reapply it after every 5-6 hours to maintain the effect of sunscreen on your skin. Also, choose your clothes wisely. If your skin is too sensitive to sunburns and other such problems, try to wear light clothes made out of cotton and cool materials. It is always better to take precautions than go for medication at later stage. If there is too much heat, then try wearing clothes which are loose and cover most of your body parts. Full sleeves are a must if you want to save yourself from tanning and other such problems. One more idea is to carry an umbrella or wear a hat. This will protect your head from excess sun heat. Wearing light colours is a good option as dark colour will attract more heat into your body. Make sure you avoid wearing deep necks and bare back clothes. Wearing black during day is the worst you can do to your skin.
Plan your summer trips with care:
Summer trip are very common and refreshing at the same time. If you have planned to spend this summer in a beach resort or a on a sunny island, try to protect yourself from sun as much as you can. Avoid staying in contact with sun rays for a longer time as it can damage your skin to a huge extent, which might be tough to recover. Try going to a shady place after regular intervals so that your skin get the required rest and shade. Thus, help your skin to remain fresh and white by following these tips when you are out for a vacation with your friends or family.
Remove sun burn:
Although sun is not present all the time directly above you, its rays can reach your skin anytime during the day. To avoid this, protect your skin well from sun tan. Even though the day is cloudy and shady, try to protect yourself from sunrays by applying a sunscreen. Fair- skinned people are more prone to tanning and skin damage.
Excessive sunburn can be a nightmare. So, preventing them is very essential. To get away with sun burns, try rubbing cold cucumber or apply potato juice on your skin. Aloe Vera gel works wonder for a tanned skin and protects it from further damage.
Special care of Hands and Face:
With skin that is fair and of a good complexion, you need to be extra cautious while setting out in summer. You can apply vinegar or lemon juice on your hands and face when you return from a sunny weather. Apply is on a regular basis using cotton ball to save your skin and make it soft and supple. Keep in mind that, when you start using this on your skin, it becomes more sensitive to sun rays and hot climate. So, applying sunscreen is a must before you set out. Even if you are indoors the whole day, you may apply sunscreen.
Home made Face packs:
Various face packs are available in the market while can help you get rid of skin tan and spots. Although they assure you of excellent results, they have their own set of side effects. So, you can prepare one at home. Cocoa powder has lots of anti-oxidants which works wonders for your skin. Buy any non-sweetened bar chocolate and melt it by applying indirect heat. You can also use regular cocoa powder. Add honey and milk to it and apply this paste on your face. Keep it for some it and wash away to see wonderful results. You skin is tightened and it also helps your face to tone up. Also it acts a shield to protect your skin against sunburns and pigmentation.
Try out these home remedies to maintain your skin in a good health. Also, try to follow the above ideas to make all the skin problems at bay. Having a healthy and tan free skin increases your confidence and makes you look more beautiful and smart. Have a happy fair skin in any season with freedom.