The Luxe Cafe – Lifestyle Website and Magazine Review
Ok my readers it’s time for some change in my writing today. I’ve been sharing some information on Beauty and Health related tips and information from long time. Today I’m going to share with you something cool and unique which I was asked to share my review about. It’s about a Luxury website called “The Luxe Cafe”
Started by Luxury Marketing Expert and ex-journo Manisha Mayur Shekhar, Luxe Cafe is a B2C(Business to Customer) luxury lifestyle website where you can find some great content related to Fashion, Style, Travel, Gadgets and ideas related to Fine Living. If you are keen in knowing about the growing luxury market in India and abroad, want to read the expert reviews on the various brands, how the luxury industry is rapidly expanding within in tier 2 and tier 3 cities or towns as well when compared to tier 1 cities, then stay subscribed to the site too coz there is some great information coming straight into your inbox in the coming days.
At the first sight when i landed on the website, my primary reaction was that the site design looks cool, elegant, intuitive and eye catching. Congrats to their in-house team of experienced designers and artists who are brains behind this website. With a team of industry experts directly engaging with the readers on their different lifestlye and consumer needs, articles written under various categories on the site are a great source of information for anyone looking for luxury and brands related information. With some wonderful real photographs embedded within the posts the quality of writing is at par with industry expert writing. I always admire and love this style of writing (Content+Images) from any writer.
The site isn’t just for those who are all things about luxury, luxury and luxury but for those who are looking to live that kind of lifestyle someday. From the founders own words this statement says that what they mean by luxury or what luxury is meant to them. “Luxury, as we see it, is not for a privileged few but for all those with the courage to look beyond the obvious and seek out the intricate details of life.”
If you appreciate luxury, likes reading breakthrough information straight from industry experts and have an eye towards all that is new then The Luxe Cafe` is your space to be. Uniquely designed and featuring a selection of informative, engaging and exciting stories, tips, reviews and experientials, The Luxe Cafe` is more than just a website. Personalities like HH Maharaja Gaj Singh, Rosita Missoni – founder of the Italian fashion house Missoni, Malav Shroff – boating tycoon, Dinaz Madhukar – President of DLF Emporio, Riccardo Bestetti – creator of bespoke Italian men’s shoes, are a few known names from among the selection of famous aesthetes joining in the cause of The Luxe Café [even as the launch edition consists of more surprises]. So the target audience for this Lifestyle magazine could be in Mumbai, Italy or even in Sydney.