Neem Shampoo for Dandruff: How to Use & Its Benefits
Dandruff is a common problem faced by many people across the world. Getting rid of dandruff can take time. Many find it a hard job to get a scalp that is free from dandruff. Dry, flaky and itchy scalp can make things get even worse. It can cause you embarrassment when you go out. You may even think that you will never be able to get rid of dandruff. But you need not lose hope. With a little patience you can succeed in getting it off from your scalp.
If you prefer to go for natural remedies for treating dandruff, then you can choose shampoos that contain neem. Use the shampoo 2 or 3 times a week till you start getting positive results. If your doctor has prescribed you some medicines, continue it along with the shampoo.
Some Information on your Hair Dandruff:
Before you start treating your scalp and hair for getting rid of dandruff, let us understand what dandruff is.
Dandruff can be of two types, depending on the type of skin you have.
- Oily dandruff
- Dry dandruff
Dandruff Main Causes:
The lifestyle that you follow has a great role in causing dandruff on your scalp. Another factor is the environment that you are exposed to. Some of the common causes are as follows:
- If you suffer frequently from constipation, you may get dandruff on your hair. Another reason is consumption of wrong kinds of food.
- Stress is one of the main a reasons for dandruff. Exposure to extreme temperature can often cause dandruff to appear on your hair. When you choose shampoo for your hair, make sure that it is not very harsh on your scalp and hair. This can aggravate your condition.
- Make sure that your scalp is not suffering from any fungal infections. If fungal infections are not noticed and left untreated, it can lead to the appearance of dandruff in the long run.
- Seborrheic dermatitis can also cause dandruff. This condition is caused when the oil glands become overactive. By using neem shampoo regularly, you can maintain the pH balance on your scalp.
Neem Shampoo Treatment for Dandruff:
Neem shampoo is excellent for holistic treatment of pets as well as human beings. Neem oil is very beneficial for treating various problems of the scalp like head lice, dandruff, dry scalp and so on. It is a very gentle shampoo and does not cause any damage to your hair or scalp. When it is used to bath pets, it helps in getting rid of insects and other pests from their body.
Neem oil is the oil extracted from the neem tree. It is known to cure all types of skin and health problems. It is used in dietary supplements for keeping your healthy and disease free. It is also an important ingredient in many of the beauty products. Apart from helping you reduce dandruff, these extracts re also very effective for treating various skin conditions. It is a good cure for acne as well.
How to Use Neem Shampoo for Dandruff?
Before you use any product that you buy, it is important that you read the label carefully and follow the instructions properly. This applies to neem shampoo also.
- Wet your air and then take sufficient quantity of the shampoo in your hand.
- Rub the shampoo well on your scalp so that a thick lather is formed.
- Keep the shampoo on your hair for about 5 minutes and then you can rinse you hair well. Make sure that all traces of the shampoo are removed from your hair.
- This shampoo is great for getting relief from fungal infections as well as itchy and red scalp.
If you feel any irritation on the scalp after using the shampoo, stop using it and consult your doctor for his advice. If you feel that there is no improvement even after using he shampoo for a few weeks, then also you should consult a doctor and follow his instructions.
Neem Shampoo Benefits for Dandruff:
Here are some of the benefits that you can have by using neem shampoo regularly:
- Hair fall and premature graying are some of the common hair problems experienced by most of the people. If you are also suffering from such issues, using neem shampoo can help you deal with them.
- If you have irritation on the scalp, you can get relief by using this shampoo. It is also good for treating psoriasis.
- If you are worried about your scalp and hair problems, you can talk to your doctor about it and let him know about any problem that you face.
- Neem shampoos are also known as anti-lice shampoos. You can use this shampoo on pets without any fear of causing them any harm. They are safe to be used on puppies and kittens. It helps in removing various pets from your pet’s body.
- Products that are made using neem are mild and safe to use. They do not cause any side effects as they are made with natural ingredients. So, you can use them without any worry.
- You can also add some neem oil to your regular shampoo and apply it on your hair. This will help in getting rid of dandruff from your hair and also keeps your scalp well moisturized and in good condition.
- You will get a stronger hair with a natural shine by using neem shampoo regularly.
Now that you have seen the immense benefits of neem shampoo for getting rid of dandruff, buy one for yourself today itself and start using it. You will get a number of neem shampoos formulated by various brands in the market. Buy one that matches your choice and use it.