Shower Tips to Keep Your Hair Clean and Healthy
Most of you have a bad hair day after a shower. You find it difficult to manage your hair and your hair just won’t lie flat. It can become messy and get on your nerves. Here are some tips that will help you keep your hair thick and shiny after a shower.
Shower Cleaning Tips for Healthy Hair:
Conditioning hair right way:
Do you have a habit of leaving your conditioner on your hair for five minutes in the shower? If so, then you are wasting your time because using a conditioner does not make any difference to your hair. The effect of conditioner is only instantaneous. When you apply the conditioner on your hair in your shower, it cannot penetrate your hair anymore. Instead of using a regular conditioner, you can try deep conditioning your hair every 2 weeks. The best way to use a conditioner is to apply it on your hair just before you get into the shower and shampoo your hair. After shampooing your hair, you can apply some coconut oil or a little olive oil on your hair. This helps in keeping your hair and scalp moisturized.
Don’t use shampoo frequently:
Shampooing your hair very often is one of the ways you tend to damage your hair. When you shampoo your hair, take the amount of shampoo that is needed. Do not take too much of shampoo to clean your hair. Excess shampoo only leads to drying up of hair. It also wears out the ends of your hair. Shampoo only twice a week to keep your hair and scalp clean and healthy.
Proper brushing is important:
Most women do not know the right way to brush their hair. Brushing your hair properly is very important because when you brush your hair after having your bath, it can even cause damage to the ends and roots of your hair. So, remember to begin at the bottom and work towards your way up. Make sure to always brush outwards.
Using your fingers to comb through your wet hair can cause damage to your hair and breaking of hair strands. Instead you can spray some detangler on your hair and then comb your hair with a wide toothed comb. This will help in removing the tangles and also reduces breakage of hair.
Pat dry hair:
Most of us make a mistake of rubbing hair vigorously with a towel after washing our hair, in order to dry them. When you rub your hair, you are pulling your hair and damaging the roots and ends of your hair. The best way you can dry your hair is to pat them dry. Pat drying can take time, but it is gentle and does not cause any damage o your hair.
One of the secrets to frizz-free hair is to dry your hair with a cotton tee instead of drying it with a towel. This is because towel absorbs moisture from your hair along with water, but a cotton tee absorbs only the water. It does not remove the moisture from your hair. Just wrap a cotton tee around our hair and wait for 20 minutes. Then you can apply the hair serum. Let your hair dry naturally. This helps in preventing your hair from turning frizzy.
Most of the people are of the opinion that they should wash their hair daily to have healthy hair. But washing your hair often can make hair dry. It can also weigh your hair down with product. Usually washing hair twice a week is enough. However, if your hair is very oily, you will have to wash it daily. Then you can use a mild shampoo for cleaning your hair. Use a lightweight or everyday shampoo, for this purpose. They contain milder detergents and do not cause much harm to your hair. You may also use soap nuts to cleanse your hair. They are natural and beneficial for hair.
Shampooing hair the right way:
Shampooing the right way can help you greatly in keeping your hair healthy in the long run. Most people shampoo the entire length of their hair when they apply shampoo. But this is a wrong practice. According to experts, shampooing the scalp, the roots and nape is more effective than shampooing the entire length of hair. This is because dirt tends to collect on these spots. Try to avoid applying too much shampoo at the ends. This can make the ends of your hair dry and frizzy.
Stop using hot water:
As you know, bathing in warm water can be very refreshing ad helps in rejuvenating your body. But they can have some adverse affects also on your body and hair. When you use hot water to wash your hair, it can strip your hair of the essential oils present on your scalp. This makes your hair dry and tangled. Even though you are tempted to bath in hot water, avoid it and have bath in lukewarm water. This is safe and keeps your hair and skin moisturized and refreshed.
Take Short showers:
Prolonged showers are not good for your hair. It only does more harm to your hair than good. So, remember to keep your shower time short. According to the opinions of experts, if you shower for more than 10 minutes, it can strip of the essential oils from your hair and scalp. So, even though showering for long may seem a good thing for you, try to minimize the time, as long showers are not going to do anything good to your hair.
So, next time you take your shower, keep these tips in mind and follow them. This will help in providing you healthy hair with a natural sheen.