Side Effects of Eating Too Many Beets (Beetroots)
Beetroots are bright red in colour and have got immense health benefits. You can use this vegetable for many purposes and in many ways. It helps in boosting the energy and improving athletic performances. It is also good for giving you healthy eye sight. It is a rich source of vitamins, bioflavonoid and magnesium. Beetroot has the ability to lower the levels of triglycerides in the body, which can form fat in the blood. This vegetable is also effective for increasing the natural production of hormones. You can treat many diseases with beetroot. In spite of all these benefits, beetroot can also be dangerous to your body.
Beetroots Side Effects:
According to the British Medical Journal, a particular percentage of the population suffered from red urine and coloration of blood after consuming beetroots. This condition of colouration of blood is known as beeturia. Although this is not a serious condition, still it can cause panic in some people. So, if you see red urine, don’t panic. It may be that there is beetroot in your body.
Calcium level:
Beetroot juice has the ability to lower the levels of calcium in the body. This can cause many diseases. Calcium level decreases in your body when you drink beetroot juice in excess. When the calcium level is lowered, you may suffer from various problems of the bones. So, consult a professional health care provider in each and every stage to prevent such conditions.
Iron and copper condition:
It is advised that if you are suffering from hemochromatosis or Wilson Disease, you should not consume beetroot in excess. This is because it can lead to potential accumulation of copper and iron in the body. Hemochromatosis is a condition in which there is iron overload in the body. Wilson Disease prevents the body from losing excess copper. Beetroot is loaded with both iron and copper. So, consuming beetroots under such conditions can make things worse.
Kidney problem:
People who suffer from kidney diseases are advised to stay away from beetroots. This is because of the presence of betaine in beetroot. Betaine can increase the total cholesterol levels in the body of people who suffer from kidney problems. So, if you are such a person, make sure that you consult your doctor before you start taking beetroot. This helps in avoiding further complications.
Kidney stones:
Beetroot is rich in oxalates. So, consuming it can increase the possibility of kidney stone formation in the body. If you have a history of kidney stone, be careful and try not to consume excess amounts of beetroot, as this can be harmful for your health.
Lowers blood pressure levels:
Beetroot has the ability to lower the blood pressure levels of the body. So, this vegetable is of great benefit for people suffering from high blood pressure. All you have to do is to include beetroot in your regular diet. But you should keep in mind that having beetroot along with high BP medication can cause a sudden lowering of your blood pressure at times. So, if you are on medication for high blood pressure, be careful when you consume beetroot.
Nausea and diarrhoea:
Some people suffer from diarrhoea, nausea and stomach upset after consuming beetroot. A concentrated extract of beetroot is betaine. This can is responsible for causing such side effects. Consuming beetroot juice in excess is responsible for stomach problems. Some suggest that you consume only half an ounce to one ounce of beetroot juice at first, so that your body will learn to adjust to it. There have been reports that consumption of beetroot has lead to gastrointestinal illness. For those with sensitive gut and irritable bowel syndrome, beetroot consumption can cause problems because of the presence of fructans in it.
Pregnant women should be careful when they consume beetroot. This is because of the presence of betaine in this vegetable. This can affect the mother as well as the child. According to Mayo clinic, beetroot has a ‘C’ rating for usage during pregnancy. This means that it has been tested on animals and the studies have shown that it has an adverse affect on the growing foetus. So, it is better to reduce your intake of beetroot to avoid any complications.
Problems with vocal code:
You often experience tightness in the throat when you drink beetroot juice. It can even make it difficult to speak. This takes place when you drink beetroot juice in excess. You can avoid this problem by mixing beetroot juice with other vegetable juices and then consuming it.
Other problems:
Some people also experience fever, chills and rashes after drinking beetroot juice.
You may feel a bit frightened by looking at these side effects. But the benefits of beetroot are so vast that these are trifle in front of them. So, do not hesitate to include beetroot in your regular diet, but if you face any of these side effects, do not panic. Go and see your doctor and you will soon be fine.
How Much Beet Juice Is Safe To Drink?
According to nutritionists you should not take more than 8 ounces a serving thrice in a week. This is equivalent to about two beets run through your juicer for each serving. If you do not like the taste of this juice, you can combine it with orange juice or apple juice to make it tastier. If you have any health problems like high BP, then it is better to consult your doctor before you start consuming beetroot.