Simple, Quick and Easy Tips to Get Rid of Dandruff Permanently

The issue of dandruff is faced by a number of people. It is characterized by dry and flaky scalp, along with itchiness and irritation. In severe cases, it can also cause redness of the scalp, hair loss, thinning of hair, and further issues. Treating dandruff is not a big problem. You just need to follow the treatment properly and take good care of your hair.

dandruff simple easy tips

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Amla and Tulsi:

Take amla and tulsi, and make it in to a paste by adding some water. Yogurt can also be added to the paste. Apply this on to your scalp and leave it on to dry off. Wash away with cold water.


Take some aspirin tablets and dissolve them in your usual shampoo. Use it to wash your hair, it treats dandruff.

Aloe Vera:

The antifungal and antibacterial properties heal your scalp and give a soothing feeling, along with clarifying it to treat dandruff. Take pure Aloe Vera gel and massage it well on to your scalp.

Apple Juice:

Apple juice is very effective for treating dandruff. Take some apple juice and massage your hair and scalp well. You can also use this as a final rinse after washing your hair. it has got excellent treating properties.

Beetroot and Garlic Juice:

Take some beetroot juice, garlic juice, and also vinegar. Mix them all together, and apply on to your scalp and hair. It reduces dandruff effectively.

Curd and Lemon:

Take a cup of curd and mix five teaspoons of lemon juice to it. Make a good pack and apply this on your hair. Massage it well and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this treatment after 2 or 3 days. Your dandruff will be treated slowly.

Camphor and Coconut Oil:

Take half a cup of coconut oil, and add a teaspoon of camphor to it. Use this mixture to apply on your scalp and massage well before going to sleep. With regular use, your dandruff will be gone in two weeks.

Castor Oil and Olive Oil:

Castor oil has got antibacterial and antifungal properties that help treat all kinds of infections. The Vitamin E, omega-6 fatty acids, and amino acids moisturize your hair and help get rid of dandruff. Mix both the oils together and warm it slightly. Massage this well in to your hair and scalp. You can take a warm towel and wrap your hair with it. Leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash off.

Drugstore Products:

There are a number of really effective products available in the market that treats dandruff. Certain dandruff shampoos clean your hair and treat dry and flaky scalp. You need to check out the ingredients and contents well before buying them.


Take a few eggs and beat them well. Apply it on your scalp and hair, and wash off after about 2 hours. Your hair becomes soft and shiny, and also free of dandruff.

Fenugreek Seeds:

Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them in water overnight. In the morning, grind all these seeds. Add some yogurt to the paste and apply on your hair. Leave it on to dry, and then wash off.

Green Gram:

Mix some green gram powder with yogurt and make a paste. Use this to treat the dandruff on your hair.

Hot oil Massage:

Get a good-quality branded massage oil for this treatment. Heat the oil and make it arm. Then, massage it well on to your hair and scalp. You can also use essential oils like olive oil, castor oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil, and coconut oil for this purpose. Hot oil massage is an age old treatment, and is really effective.


The paste of hibiscus leaves treats dandruff and also gives your hair a better texture. Take some hibiscus leaves and grind them well to make a paste. Apply this on your scalp and leave it on for half an hour before washing off.

Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil:

The anti-fungal properties of lemon juice help treat dandruff when you use a concoction with one part of lemon juice in five parts of coconut oil. Massage this on to your scalp regularly.

Neem Leaves:

The antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, and antiseptic properties of neem fight dandruff. Take some neem leaves and boil them. Drain out the water and rinse your hair with it. Body acne can also be treated this way.

Olive Oil:

Olive oil is an effective cure for dandruff. Use it consistently to get rid of dandruff, and moisturize your scalp. A good massage with olive oil is known to cure dandruff easily. Leaving the oil on your hair overnight is most preferred. You can use a cotton cap to cover your hair while you sleep with the oil on.


There are a number of hair packs that are really effective in reducing dandruff. These hair packs offer good nourishment to your hair. You must use them after a hair massage for best results. Hot oil helps open up the pores of the scalp, and it gets nourishment when hair packs are used. When the ingredients penetrate in to your scalp, they give really good results.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil has been used since ages for curing dandruff. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix it in to your regular hair oil. Massage the oil on to your scalp regularly.


Vinegar treats dead skin and improves the circulation of blood. Use vinegar to rinse your hair after washing and conditioning it well. Apple cider vinegar works best in this case. You can also use balsamic vinegar.

Dandruff is a serious issue that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Follow the above steps to treat dandruff and get clean and clear scalp.

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