13 Surprising Benefits of Garlic for Skin, Hair, Health and Else
Garlic is a common household ingredient, widely used to give a better taste to your food, along with a lot of health benefits. Ever thought how useful it is? Read on to know what garlic can do.
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1) Clears acne
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It is a natural remedy for blemishes and acne. It has antioxidants which kill bacteria. Rub a sliced clove on your pimple. It is an effective topical treatment.
2) Good for hair
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With its high levels of allicin, which is a sulfur compound similar to the one found in onions, garlic could help you end hair loss. Rub garlic on your scalp, squeezing as you do it. Mixing it in your oil is also an option.
3) Soothes Psoriasis
Garlic has got anti inflammatory properties which give you relief from psoriasis outbreaks. Rub a little garlic oil on the affected area to get rid of rashes.
4) Treats cold
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The antioxidants in garlic help boost your immune system. In case you get a cold, have some garlic tea. Chop or mince garlic and put in in hot water for a few minutes. Then, strain it and drink it. Honey or ginger can be added for a better taste.
5) Controls weight
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Cooking with garlic daily makes tasty food and also helps in reducing weight, according to a recent study by nutritionist Cynthia Sass.
6) Treats athlete’s foot
Garlic has got anti fungal properties, which helps get rid of itchy athlete’s foot. Add crushed garlic in a bath of warm water and soak your feet in it.
7) Removes splinter
To get rid of splinters, place a slice of garlic on the area and cover it with a bandage or duct tape. It has been a folk cure for ages, and works well.
8) Keeps away mosquitoes
A study in India proved that if you rub a garlicky concoction over your arms and legs, chances of getting bothered by mosquitoes is reduced. Mix garlic oil, petroleum jelly and beeswax for a natural mosquito repellant. You could also just keep a few cloves nearby.
9) De-ices your sidewalk
Garlic salt removes ice from roadways. This method is effectively used by a small town in Iowa which used used donated garlic salt to remove ice from roadways.
10) Helps catch fish
Fishes are attracted to garlic. So, get a bait with this smell inbuilt, or use food scraps and plenty of garlic cloves to make your own.
11) Conquers cold sores
Hold a bit of crushed garlic directly on the cold sore, and the anti inflammatory properties of garlic help reduce pain and the swelling. It also aids healing.
12) Works as natural glue
Garlic has got adhesive properties which help in fixing hairline cracks in glass. Crush some cloves and rub its juice on the crack. Wipe away any excess to stick it perfectly.
13) Protects plants
Pests keep away if you use a natural pesticide made of garlic, mineral oil, water and liquid soap. Pour the mixture in a bottle spray to mist your plants.
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Thanks Queen. Followed you on Bloglovin as well 🙂
Garlic is one of the foods that are more medicinal properties for skin, hairs, and health. This can be a wonderful solution for many disease. I used garlic for treating my acne and it was able to reduce them. This is a wonderful remedy that work all time for skin problems.
Nice article. Garlic can be used as a cure for almost all types of skin problem like skin tag, warts and moles etc. These can improve your skin and treat skin problems naturally. Thanks for sharing.