What is Frontal Hair Loss? Its Causes and Treatment Tips
Frontal baldness means hair loss from the front part of your head. It is also called as receding hairline which is common mostly amongst men in their 30s. Some people call it frontal balding which, in technical terms, it is referred to as frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA). Hair loss can be a nightmare for those who go through it. It affects the personality of the person negatively. For some, who are too young to experience it, it leads to embarrassment and low levels of confidence. Frontal balding is the initial stage of permanent hair loss, especially in males. This also leads to thinning of hair and making them weak and brittle.
FFA is kind of disease which results in hair loss not only from head but from other areas too. It is observed that hair loss occurs from the scalp edge of the forehead and also from eyebrows and armpits. Such hair fall is mainly due to hormonal changes in the body or auto immune response generated in the body. This is a highly undesirable phenomenon which should be treated before it becomes grave. Certain medical processes, therapeutic procedures, other therapies and treatments can help such situations. To prevent such problems it is very essential to take precautions and lead a healthy and fit lifestyle. Try to go for a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits to get away with such problems.
Frontal Hair Loss Causes:
There can be many reasons for hair loss. Few of them being hormonal changes, improper diet, genetic reasons, wrong hair care, scalp infections, high pollution in your area and others. But when it comes to male hair loss reasons, one of the main reasons is hormonal imbalance in hair as well as scalp. Other one is genetic disorder which leads to baldness of the hair. DHT is one of the main hormones also called as androgen. It is mainly found in males and is responsible for hair loss problems. DHT is the major hormone responsible for male organ and features development. At times, this hormone is found in women too in small quantities. Hence, if the is a bit excess of it then it leads to secondary male characteristics in women like growth of facial hair and sudden loss of hair.
Internally, DHT gets attached to the androgen receptors of hair follicles and this leads to improper hair growth. Papilla is responsible for supplying nutrients to the hair. Thus, androgen prevents papilla from allowing this process to take place. Thus, increased levels of DHT in the hormone are not a good sign as it causing shrinking of the hair follicle. This prevents the creation of new hair follicles and thus leads to damaged hair. Other causes are thinning of the hair and loss of the same due to follicle degradation. Hence, you need to take preventive measures so as to save yourself from frontal hair growth. So, take care that the level of DHT is in normal proportions in the body. Restricting the androgen reception by the hair follicles is very essential so as to solve the problem of frontal balding.
How to Stop or Treat Frontal Hair Loss?
- These days, many treatments are available to stop frontal hair loss. Hair fall is a common phenomenon among the aged as well as young men. Taking care of your health and hair according to each season is very essential to maintain good hair growth. Try to maintain a good life style. Include yoga in your daily regime and free yourself from unnecessary stress. Meditation is another solution to all the problems related to health which will also clear you of problems related to hair loss and FFS. One of the basic requirements to be fulfilled for keeping your hair healthy is to boost your immune system and keep illness away from your body.
- Oil helps in nourishing the hair but excess use of it can aggravate hair loss. Styling tools, chemicals and other market products in excess should be avoided so as to reduce hair fall. Dandruff, scalp infections and also scalp dehydration causes loss of hair due to blockage of hair follicles as a result of sebum. Such factors keep the hair malnourished and this leads to excessive hair fall in adults and old people. Hence make it a point to use anti dandruff shampoos so that you can keep the dandruff accumulation at bay and have rich and well nourished hair. Some of the famous shampoos like Nirozol and Head and Shoulders are very apt to clean the scalp and keep it free from infection.
- Try to make sure that hormonal levels in body are controlled by consulting a doctor and going for the right medication. Other options are medicinal drugs on a regular basis, hair fall laser treatment and surgeries for permanent cure of hair fall.
- Talking about scalp surgery, techniques like scalp flab, hair transplant and FUE treatment are highly in demand these days. People are opting for such methods to treat hair loss problems. Only drawback is that these treatments are too expensive. So try to consult a doctor before going for such treatments. If you don’t have the capability of opting for such high cost treatments, you can try to cure your problem with hair creams and lotion. Rub them on the affected area every alternate day as this will prevent hair loss and delay balding process. At times, this even helps to regain lost hair. This also requires some extra costs so use this only when recommended by doctor. One more well known medicine is Finasteride which helps the body to convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone of DHT. Consuming one tablet a day is sufficient to help the hair grow again. Only problem is that you won’t get immediate results here. Wait for 3-4 months to see the effect.
- Frontal hair problems are very common in metro cities. So try to take proper care of your hair so as to keep them shiny and free from dandruff. Maintain good eating habits and stay healthy.
sir,my wife is suffering from frontal hair loss and, I m suffering from alopcia which is coin shape hair loss. kindly guide what is the remedy of this. tnx.