What is Integral Yoga – How to Practice it along with Benefits
Yoga has been practiced in India from time immemorial and it is one of the best exercises to stay fit and healthy. With gyms and other modern methods of fitness exercises, yoga was forgotten for a while, but now it has made a big comeback and regained its lost popularity. If you are not yet aware of yoga and its benefits, it is time that you start practicing yoga and enjoy the benefits of it.
There are various types of yoga and some of them are Integral yoga, Bhakti yoga, Shakti yoga, Dhyana yoga and so on. Each has its own features and benefits. Integral yoga is also known as the ‘complete form of yoga’ or ‘purna yoga’. This yoga is based on the teachings of Swami Sachadananda and here the union of a person with God is emphasized.
The complete session of integral yoga includes chanting, breathing, asanas and meditation. In this yoga more importance is given to meditation rather than the poses or asanas. The integral yoga session begins with various yoga asanas and then ends with deep meditation.
Integral Yoga Asanas:
This is easy to practice and you can do it at home by following a few simple steps. Here are the yoga asanas that you do in Integral Yoga:
Dandasana or Staff Pose:
First of all you have to sit on the floor cross legged. This is called Sukhasana pose. Make sure that your back is straight and put your hands besides your body on the ground. Now release your legs and put them straight in front of your body. Stretch your legs and close your eyes. Remain in this pose for 30 seconds and then open your eyes.
Padmasana or Lotus Pose:
Padmasana is also known as Kamalasana, which means lotus pose. To do this asana, sit on the ground and spread out your legs straight in front of you. Now bend your right knee and lift your right foot with your hands and place it on the outer side of your left thigh. Similarly, bend your left knee and lift your left foot up on your right thigh. Then place your hands on the knee and sit in Dhyana or Drona mudra. Here you must keep your body, back and the head erect and your eyes closed. You can also do Pranayama when you sit in this pose. This asana improves your concentration, calms your nerves and also prevents various diseases.
Sukhasana or Easy Pose, Decent Pose, or Pleasant Pose:
Sukhasana is known as the Easy, Decent or Pleasant pose and it is very easy to practice. Sit on the floor comfortably, with your legs crossed. Make sure that your back is kept straight. Look straight in front of you and then close your eyes. Keep your hand on your knees as in Dhyana mudra or Drona mudra. You can choose this pose for meditation as it is easier than other asanas. You may stay in this pose for as long as you wish, but if it is for a long time, take care to alternate the cross of your legs. This asana is good for calming down the brain and also to strengthen your back. It also helps in stretching your knees and ankles.
Tadasana or Mountain Pose:
To begin this pose, stand straight on the floor looking straight in front of you. Place your feet in such a way, that they are slightly apart from each other. Now raise your hands up in the air and try to stretch the hands. As you stretch up your hands, lift up your heels and stand on your toes. Try balancing your whole body on your toes. Remain in this pose for about 5 to 10 seconds and then get back to the normal position. Tadasana is said to be beneficial for increasing your height.
Vajrasana or Adamantine Pose or Diamond Pose or Kneeling Pose or Pelvic Pose or Thunderbolt Pose:
Vajrasana is a very easy pose and you can do this even after you have had your food. Kneel on the floor in such a way that the upper part of your feet touches the ground. Your big toes, ankles and the knees should be parallel to each other and touch the ground. Keep your right palm on the right knee and the left palm on the left knee. Keep your spine straight and look straight in front of you. You may close your eyes also. You can stay 5 to 15 minutes in this pose. This is an ideal pose for meditation and for relaxation.
How to do Integral Yoga:
Below is given step by step instructions on how to practice this new form of yogic meditation at home. Follow the steps and start practicing from today:
- Start the yogic meditation by sitting in Sukhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana or Ardha Padmasana pose. Close your eyes when you do this yoga session and keep them closed till you complete the session.
- Breathe deeply and completely.
- As you practice Integral Yoga, chant OM loudly so that you feel the vibrations of this divine mantra. Integral yoga is for divine experience and as you chant OM, you will feel a divine energy surrounding you and filling you, rejuvenating your whole body and soul.
- As you perform Integral yoga and chant OM, you can witness a new and positive energy flowing through your body, from head to toe. This makes a great difference to your body.
- Keep your eyes closed and you will be able to feel the difference in yourself. Take off your hands from Dhyana mudra and then rub your hands together. This makes your hands warm, and now keep your hands on your eyes so that the energy you attained by chanting OM gets transferred in to your body.
- Now it is time to open your eyes and come to an end of the meditation session.
Benefits of Integral Yoga:
- Integral yoga practice changes your mind into a more dynamic establishment with the goal that you can achieve profound mindfulness and mental freedom from passionate impulses.
- The thought behind Integral Yoga is that we turn into one with nature, god and the human soul. With this thought and as one element we are under a more characterized control.
- Integral yoga asanas will convey you vitality to carry on with your life. It brings you power and stamina. It will manage you in your objectives for your life.
- Integral yoga will help bring the spiritual world closer with the goal that you can see it all the more specifically. Your psyche(mind) is the most grounded vehicle that you control here.
Practice various forms of Integral Yoga at home and see how it changes your whole outlook of life.