Whey Protein Side Effects on Kidneys, Liver, Heart, Etc

Many of you have whey protein on a daily basis, especially those who do regular workouts. Whey protein has lots of health benefits. But it also has some side effects that you should know.

Whey Protein Side Effects

What is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a supplement that is said to be healthy for the body. But you have to keep in mind that you do not go overboard with it. If you consume it in excess, it can lead to a lot of health issues. The risk becomes higher when you take in low amounts of carbohydrate. Whey protein is water soluble and it can provide you the protein you need per day. It is also rich in L-cysteine and amino acids. Experts say that whey protein is a complete protein as it is rich in all amino acids needed for the body.

Dangerous Side Effects of Whey Protein:

Development of ketosis:

This is another side effect of whey protein that is very common. This is a condition when the levels of ketone bodies in the blood increase abnormally. When you consume a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, your body uses fat to burn the energy. When there is no fat present in your body, protein is used. This leads to the damage of liver as pressure is put on the liver.

Diarrhoea diseases remain:

Consuming whey protein can also lead to diarrhoea in some people. This happens because of the effect of protein on the digestive system. Sometime even blood is seen in the stool, especially in infants.

Development of osteoporosis:

Excessive consumption of whey protein can also cause osteoporosis. This can be very risky with long-term intake of whey protein. The reason for this is that when you consume whey protein in excess, mineral imbalance is created in the bones. This leads to the deletion of the density of bone minerals.

Digestive problems are common:

Whey protein contains lactose. So, if you are sensitive to lactose, you can suffer from digestive problems by consuming whey protein. Even people who are not lactose intolerant can also suffer from digestive problems. If you have such a problem, make sure that you select a whey protein concentrate that does not contain much lactose in it.

Formation of kidney stones:

Consuming whey proton can increase the risk of kidney stones. According to experts, if you already have kidney stones, consuming whey protein can make the condition worse. To prevent this, you have to take adequate amounts of pf dietary fibre and water.

Gout risk is high:

There is no evidence that whey protein has any direct role in causing gout. But it can make the condition worse if you are already suffering from gout. If there is a history of gout in your family, it will be better to consult your doctor before you start consuming whey protein.

High fat gain:

Most of the protein supplements contain carbohydrates in the form of sugars. Some even have fats. This means that you may gain weight by consuming such products. When you overeat and also consume whey protein, you can gain weight.

Heart attach risk is also high:

If you are already suffering from heart disease, you should avoid consuming whey protein in excess. It can lead to cardiac arrest, abnormal heart rhythms and even complete loss of heart functionalities.

Have Liver issues?

People suffering from liver problems should avoid consuming whey protein in excess, as this can worsen the condition. The best way is to consume whey protein moderately at all times. It is also recommended that you consult your doctor before consuming whey protein, as it can interfere with the effects of medication that you are taking for treating liver problems.

Increases Blood acidity:

An escalation of pH in blood is another side effect of whey protein that most of you may not be aware of. When there is too much protein in your blood, your kidney finds it hard to metabolize it properly. This can lead to an increase in blood acidity.

Kidney diseases:

By consuming whey protein in excess, you may suffer from kidney problems, especially if you are already suffering from kidney issues. Experts advise that you should monitor your whey protein intake and also consult your doctor before you start taking it. This way you will be able to prevent any long-term damage to your kidneys as a result of whey protein intake.


Nausea is also experienced in some people when they consume whey protein. In some cases even vomiting is seen. To avoid such symptoms, you should reduce the intake of whey protein.

Swelling of lips, throat and mouth:

Swelling of throat, mouth and lips is anther allergic reaction that is seen in people consuming whey protein. It may not be painful, but it can be very uncomfortable. In such cases, it is better that you visit your doctor and make sure that no severe damage is caused.

Weakness and fatigue:

Digestive problems created in some people as a side effect of consuming whey protein can make them go thorough adverse conditions like extreme fatigue and weakness. They may also experience cramps, bloating, gas and so on. This is because the body of some people do not have the ability to process or break down the protein that they take in.


Many people suffer from allergic problems when they consume whey protein, especially those who are lactose intolerant. When they take in whey protein, they may have difficulty in breathing. Some can even suffer from symptoms like wheezing. If you experience such symptoms, you should immediately go to your doctor.

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