Top Beauty and Fairness Tips for Dry and Dull Skin
Dull and dry skin is always a hurdle to achieving a fair and glowing complexion. It always comes in the way of making your skin flawless and beautiful. For this, you do not have to purchase any expensive beauty products or cosmetics. All you have to do is follow a few simple and easy tips. Read on to know what you can do to make your complexion lighter, skin tone even, and skin softer.
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Honey and Cucumber Juice Face Pack:
Honey is well known as a natural moisturizer. It has been used since ages for its benefits on the skin. Cucumber juice is something that makes your skin tone even and smooth, and also makes the texture of your skin flawless. Combine both the ingredients to make an effective face pack. The face pack is really good for people with dry skin. It gives you a glowing complexion with soft and smooth skin.
Healthy Food gives you Healthy Fairness:
Eating healthy food is very important for improving your complexion. Dry skin misses out on vital nutrients, which causes the skin to be flaky, dry, and lifeless. Have a look at your eating habits before you plan to try any home remedies or readymade face packs. Have lots of green fruits, veggies, grains, cereals, and other such healthy foods to give your body the necessary amounts of carbs, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Include foods like yogurt, milk, and honey that protect your skin, and nourish the skin cells to make your skin radiant and healthy. Make sure you have a balanced diet. Your health reflects on your skin. So, it is important to remain healthy if you want beautiful skin.
Heat and UV Rays:
The harmful UV rays of the sun and the scorching heat are really bad for your skin. It worsens the condition of the dry skin. Exposing your skin to the sun for long periods of time can cause damage to the outer skin and may even cause issues like sunburn. Dry skin tends to get more affected by tanning and damages. So, you must always use a sunscreen lotion to keep your skin protected. Wear full sleeve outfits and hats when you go out in the sun, for further protection. It helps you maintain your natural skin tone.
Massage with Curd:
Curd is known to be a very effective ingredient for moisturizing your skin and making it softer. It is an ancient kitchen ingredient that has been in use for reducing the dryness of the skin. Curd contains lactic acid and zinc, which are two ingredients known to have excellent skin lightening properties. Take some curd and massage your skin with it so get rid of dry and peeling skin. You get the desired fairness with this treatment.
Olive Oil and Almond Oil:
This is one tip that helps you enhance your skin tone along with its texture, without making it drier. Mix some almond oil and olive oil to open up your clogged skin pores. It clears off all traces of dirt, grime, and other impurities to cleanse your skin and make it clear. It also rejuvenates your skin by adding moisture and essential nutrients to it. Your skin becomes fairer and healthier.
Papaya and Fuller’s Earth Face Pack:
A face pack made with Multani mitti or fuller’s earth is very effective in making your skin bright and radiant. Take a few pieces of papaya and mash them well. Add some fuller’s earth to it. Apply this face pack on your face and leave it on for about half an hour. It keeps your skin moisturized, and makes your skin tone fair and perfect.
Sandalwood Powder Face Pack:
Mix together some pure sandalwood powder and turmeric powder. Blend it well by adding milk to the mixture. Make it in to a paste and apply it all over your skin. Leave it on to dry and then wash off with water. Turmeric and sandalwood have got effective skin lightening properties. Moreover, the milk in the paste adds a natural glow to your skin. It works great on dry skin, and makes your skin smooth and fair.
Soak Saffron in Raw Milk:
Saffron is a product that improves skin complexion naturally. It is a really effective skin lightening item that has been in use since decades. Add a pinch of saffron to unprocessed milk and let the strands soak in it. After a few minutes, apply this on your skin. The milk makes your skin healthy and increases the natural glow.
Water is essential to keep your body hydrated. Make sure you drink enough water to keep your skin glowing. If your body does not have the required amount of water, the usual metabolism of your body is affected. It affects your skin and causes it to dry out. 5 liters of water day is most preferred. It helps get rid of all toxins and makes your skin healthy and fair. If 5 liters seems to be too much, have at least 3 or 4 liters. You can see the effect soon. Dehydration is always the main behind dryness of the skin.
Yoga and Exercise:
Exercise and yoga are both very important for your body and skin. For people suffering from dry skin, this is really important. Dull and unattractive skin can be prevented by practicing yoga and working out regularly. Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes and indulge in some strenuous activities before a good session of yoga. Your body is kept healthy from inside and reduces the levels of stress. Your skin will start glowing if you follow it effectively.
Dry skin is very irritating and makes you feel uncomfortable. It even looks bad on a beautiful face. Use the easy tips given above to treat dry skin, and make your skin soft, flawless, and fair. Get a lighter skin tone without making your skin dry, and stay beautiful.
Yoga is a great way to rejuvenating skin and attaining a flow on the face. I practice yoga for 30 minutes daily and the change is immense.