Best Foods for Healthy Hair, Roots and Scalp
It is the dream off all women to have soft and lustrous hair that one can easily manage. You can dress such hair in any style and you will look amazing. Having healthy hair...
Dandruff / Hair Care / Hair Fall Treatment
by Nikitha · Published March 3, 2017 · Last modified April 16, 2017
It is the dream off all women to have soft and lustrous hair that one can easily manage. You can dress such hair in any style and you will look amazing. Having healthy hair...
Fungus can breed on any part of the human body like the feet, scalp, skin and so on. Ringworm is a fungus that affects the scalp and hair. So, it is important that you...
Dandruff is a common problem faced by many people across the world. Getting rid of dandruff can take time. Many find it a hard job to get a scalp that is free from dandruff....
Dandruff is a common problem that most people suffer from. They appear as itchy flakes on the scalp. By following correct treatments for dandruff, you can get rid of this problem. Before you treat...
If you are worried about hair fall, here is a solution for you! This is really going to help you and give positive results. Homoeopathic treatment for hair is very effective. It is excellent...
Do you avoid dark dresses because you are suffering from chronic dandruff problem and do not want to let it known to the public? Dandruff often makes you scratch your head and you feel...
In recent times, dandruff is one the most common problems people have to face. It cannot be ignored and you have to take proper care of it. One good thing about it is that...
Dandruff is very common these days. People take efforts to avoid them so that they are saved from dry and flaky hair. What is dandruff? Dandruff is nothing but dead cells forming on the...
Dandruff is caused by many factors, the main reason being manifestation of flaking of the scape. At times, it results in itching and inflammation. If they are quite grave then it can lead to...
Dandruff / Hair Care / Home Remedies
by Nikitha · Published June 2, 2015 · Last modified June 3, 2015
Dry and itchy scalp is very difficult to manage when summers are going on. There are many products online which might help to heal the scalp but other than that, many home remedies are...