How to Get Rid of Itchy & Irritated Skin: Best Home Remedies

Itchy skin is very troublesome and does not allow you to concentrate on anything. You feel awkward to scratch your skin in front of people. Moreover, scratching the skin can increase the itching sensation and can even injure your skin. Itching of the skin may be due to mosquito bite, allergy or some skin diseases like psoriasis. You can treat itchy skin at home in numerous ways.

Itchy Irritated Skin Home Remedies

Best Home Remedies for Skin Itching:

Aloe vera:

Aloe Vera Skin Benefits

Applying aloe vera on the skin can sooth your skin and also keep it moisturized. It is a good remedy for rashes, itchy skin and sun burnt skin.

Almond oil:

almond oil benefits uses

Applying almond oil on the skin helps in keeping the skin well moisturized and thus prevents itching. It penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes your skin from inside.

Baking soda:

Baking Soda Benefits Uses

Make a paste of baking soda with water and apply it on the affected area. This is very effective for curing skin irritation.

Coconut oil:

Coconut Oil Benefits Skin

Coconut oil can sooth itching. It can provide you immediate relief from itchy skin that is caused by insect bites or dry skin. Just apply a little of coconut oil on the affected area of the skin and massage with your fingers. You need not wash away the oil. Just leave it on your skin. It provides you relief from itching and keeps your skin hydrated. Massaging your body with lukewarm coconut oil daily before you go to have your bath helps in rehydrating and replenishing your skin. During winter times, when your skin is very dry, you can dab a little of coconut oil on your body after your bath. This will keep your skin well moisturized and prevents your skin from turning dry.

Cold compress:

Washing the affected area of the skin with cold water can provide you instant relief from itching. Wash the area without massaging the skin. This will block the sensation of itching from reaching the brain. Thus you will feel no itch. If it is summer, you can bath in cold water and dab your skin with a soft rowel. This will also give you some relief from itching.

Fenugreek seeds:

The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of fenugreek seeds enable them to remove toxins from the skin when applied topically. Roast and powder fenugreek seeds and mix 1 teaspoon of this with 1 teaspoon of chickpea flour and non-sour yogurt. Mix them well and apply the mixture on the affected area. Let it dry and then wash with lukewarm water. You can also make a paste of fenugreek seeds and coconut oil and apply in the skin to prevent dry skin and itching.


Honey Benefits and Uses

Honey is a natural humectant and great for the skin. Mixing honey with olive oil and applying it on the skin can get you relief from itching. Applying this along with beeswax is said to cure many skin problems, including psoriasis. You have to mix three of them in 1:1:1 proportion. Melt beeswax in a heavy bottomed pan on low heat. After it melts, remove from fire and add honey and olive oil to it. Mix them well and when it becomes warm, pour it into an airtight container and keep in the refrigerator. Adding a few drops of vitamin E to it makes it more effective.


Lemon benefits Skin and Body

Squeeze out the juice of lemon and apply it on the skin. Let it get dry. Applying this at regular intervals can provide you relief form itching. Acetic acid and citric acid present in lemon make it very effective for treating skin problems. It is also a good anti-bacterial agent.


Mint cools and soothes your skin. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Crush mint leaves after washing them well, and take its juice to apply on the affected areas of the skin. You may also make mint tea by adding 1 oz of mint leaves in 1 pint of water and brewing it for 5 minutes. Apply this on the areas where there is itching.


Neem Margosa Benefits Uses

Neem is one of the best remedies for treating itchy skin. It has anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties because of the presence of quercetin in it. The leaves, bark and the oil of neem are good for the skin. Neem leaves are good for treating acne and pimples and get rid of them without making your skin dry. It is also a good astringent and helps in cooling and soothing your skin. All these properties of neem make it ideal for healing itching, even that caused by eczema, dandruff and psoriasis. All you have to do is to apply a little of neem oil on the area affected. You can also mix neem and coconuts leaves and apply them on the scalp to get rid of dandruff, itching and flaking.

Olive oil:

Olive oil for Skin Face

Applying a little of olive oil on the skin can provide you relief from rashes and the irritation on the skin that you feel.

Petroleum jelly:

Petroleum jelly soothes your skin and treats skin irritation. Apply it on the affected area and soon you will get relief. It is also good for rashes and sunburns.

Sesame oil:

Sesame oil can nourish your skin by penetrating deep in to the skin. Apply some sesame oil on the skin and this will sooth the redness and flakiness on the skin, which can cause itching. Regular application of this oil protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun and also nourishes your skin.


Tulsi Leaves mask for fair and glowing skin

Indian basil leaves are rich in anti-itching agents, like camphor, thymol and eugenol. Take a handful of tulsi leaves and wash well with water. Rub these leaves on the skin where you feel like scratching. You can also steep tulsi leaves in water for 10 minutes, and use the liquid get relief from itching. Another way to treat itchy skin is to crush a few tulsi leaves and simmer it in coconut oil. You can apply this oil on your skin.

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