How Do Eggs Help You Lose Weight: Complete Diet Guide
Everyone dreams of having a healthy and fit body. But it is easier said than done. By introducing small changes in your lifestyle and diet you can achieve your target quite easily. Egg is a good option if you are trying to lose weight. According to studies made, consuming eggs helps in keeping your stomach full for a longer time. As a result, you eat less and this helps in controlling the body weight. So, egg is turning out to be a popular diet for most of the people. Here is how eggs can help you in losing weight.
Skip Breakfast for Eggs Meal:
If you really want to lose weight, have two eggs every morning instead of your favorite breakfast, bagel. This will help you lose weight and become fit within a few weeks. Although the calories you get from both of them is the same, the result is not the same. Those who have eggs lose weight faster than those who take bagel. When you have eggs for breakfast, try not to have fried eggs. Instead, you can have eggs in the form of omelet, poached eggs, scrambled eggs and so on. Have eggs with whole wheat bread and orange juice without sugar. This will give you the best results.
Cereal and Fruits Comes Only Second To Eggs:
Although cereals and fruits are rich in fiber and excellent for your health, they do not keep you full for a long time as eggs do. So, eggs are better option for weight loss than the cereals and fruits. It is seen that when people have cereals for breakfast they feel hungry sooner than when they take eggs for breakfast. So this proves that eggs are better for losing weight than cereals or fruits.
Egg Protein Curbs Hunger:
Egg is a rich source of proteins. Protein aids in losing weight because it decreases hunger by giving you a feeling of fullness. Various experiments conducted have proved that if you take a protein rich breakfast instead of breakfast rich in carbohydrates, you feel less hungry throughout the day. As a result, you abstain from overeating, which in turn prevents weight gain. Having eggs controls your craving for food and thus helps you to stick to your weight loss diet plan.
Balances Cholesterol Levels:
Generally you get 70 to 80 calories by consuming one egg. This helps you in planning your diet and has a control over the portion of meal you eat each time. You will know exactly how much calories you have taken in and whether you can have more calories or not on that day. Having eggs also helps in keeping good balance between the good cholesterol and the bad cholesterol.
Eggs help in gaining desired weight:
To achieve the desired weight is easy compared to maintaining the weight you have strived so hard to achieve. Most people get the desired weight but fail to maintain it. After a few months they get back to their original self. But you need not worry about it anymore if you consume eggs regularly. Eggs, being rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates, prevent you from gaining weight fast. This way, your efforts will not go unrewarded.
Eggs doesn’t contain just proteins, they are wholesome food:
All the nine essential amino acids, which are needed for a healthy and fit body, are found in eggs. They are essential for the healthy growth of the muscles. Vitamin B12 is also found in eggs, which is necessary for contracting the muscles and breaking down the fat. Egg is also rich in Vitamin D. This vitamin keeps your immune system strong and helps in the proper absorption of calcium. Having eggs also lowers the amount of fat in the body.
Scrambled egg:
3 large egg whites
1 large egg yolk
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1/8 tsp salt
8 ounces fresh crimini mushrooms
Freshly grounded black pepper
Preparation method:
Mix egg white, water, salt and egg yolk in a mixing bowl till it becomes frothy. Melt butter in a pan over a medium flame and sauté the mushrooms till they are brown in color. Cook them till they are dark caramel brown in color. Add beaten eggs to it and cook till the eggs become firm Sprinkle grounded pepper and serve. This is for 2 servings.
Egg Omelet:
2 eggs
1/4th onion chopped
1/4th tomato
1-2 green chilies
Salt to taste
2 tbsp coriander leaves chopped
1 tbsp milk
Preparation method:
Take all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat well till it is foamed. Take a frying pan and heat oil in it. Add the mixture and cook on low hat till the egg mixture becomes firm. Fry the other side also. You can have it with bread or paratha.
Poached Eggs:
Pepper powder
Preparation method:
Boil water in a saucepan. Reduce the heat so that the water is simmering gently. Break the eggs one at a time in a saucer and slip the eggs 1 by 1 into the water. Cook till the egg whites are set and the yolk becomes thick but not too hard. Take out the eggs and drain the water. Sprinkle salt and pepper and serve hot.
Boiled Eggs:
1 to 4 eggs
Water enough to cover the eggs
Saucepan large enough to hold water that covers the eggs
Preparation method:
Place the eggs in the saucepan carefully with a spoon and add water so that it covers the eggs by 1 inch. Heat the saucepans till the water boils and then remove from heat, cover the saucepan and leave for 20 minutes. Now transfer the eggs into a pan with water and ice cubes. Leave for 2 minutes. Meanwhile boil the water again in which the eggs were boiled earlier. Take the eggs from chilled water and put them in the boiling water. Boil the eggs in this water for 10 seconds. Again transfer the eggs to the chilled water. Keep for 5 to 10 minutes and then serve the eggs in any way you prefer.