How to Do OM Meditation – Procedure, Tips & Benefits
Do you practice meditation at home? If no, try to practice meditation techniques at home. This will bring a divine touch to your life. As you know, meditation has been practiced in India for...
Health and Fitness Tips / Yoga
by Nikitha · Published September 12, 2016 · Last modified September 16, 2016
Do you practice meditation at home? If no, try to practice meditation techniques at home. This will bring a divine touch to your life. As you know, meditation has been practiced in India for...
Health and Fitness Tips / Yoga
by Nikitha · Published September 11, 2016 · Last modified September 16, 2016
Yoga is an age old practice in India, which has gained wide popularity in other parts of the world as well. It makes your physically and also helps in providing you a healthy mind...
Yoga was practiced in India from the ancient times. During those times, yoga was a means to for achieving salvation and to be one with the Supreme Power. But now, with the hectic lifestyle...
Exercises / Health and Fitness Tips / Yoga
by Nikitha · Published May 20, 2016 · Last modified May 26, 2016
Are you planning to follow a good workout for your body, but confused which physical activity will be the right one for you? Relax! No need to worry. There are various physical exercises that...
We spend a lot of time, in front of the computer, watching TV, playing video games and so on. Nowadays majority of the people have smart phones, with which they are always busy. All...
Morning is the best time of the day for meditation as it is calm and quiet in the morning. It helps in promoting your transition from the passing moments to a new level, in...
Yoga is not only doing different poses by bending, twisting and moving your body in different ways. It is much more that. People have been practicing yoga for more than 5000 years and it...
Yoga is an easy way to lose weight naturally. By practising yoga regularly, you can stay healthy and fit. Yoga is good for those who want to lose weight and also for those who...
Knowledge makes a man perfect. It makes you powerful also. Everything in this world involves knowledge. Yoga also involves knowledge. Jnana yoga is a type of yoga that involves gyana or knowledge. Jnana yoga,...
Depression is a mental condition that you experience when you feel very low. You may suffer from grief, helplessness, desolation and even worthlessness. It needs to be treated immediately. Even if you are very...